Sunday, April 8, 2018

SNL's Trump: "I. Do. Not. Care. About. Any. Of. You."

For last night's cold open on Saturday Night Live, President Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) holds a press conference with the leaders of the Baltic states (Kate McKinnon, Alex Moffat, Heidi Gardner).

Brash and unfiltered, "Trump" reveled in his newly invigorated freedom to speak his mind.

Along the way, he ignores memos from staff to not congratulate Vladimir Putin for his "very transparent" reelection in Russia, and even ignores the voices in his head to not mock McKinnon's hair.

When asked by the press if his tariffs could ruin the U.S. economy and immigration policy tarnishing our standing in the world, Baldwin's response is refreshingly candid:

"I. Do. Not. Care. About. America. This whole presidency is a four-year cash grab. And that will probably get me four more years."

Funny in its outrageousness, and probably a lot closer to the truth than most would like to admit.

Watch below.

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