Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Louisiana: 10 GOP Lawmakers Vote To Keep Bestiality Legal But Outlaw Gay Sex

(image via Flickr - Photographer Tila Monto)

Oh dear.

During voting yesterday in the Louisiana state Senate, 10 Republican lawmakers voted against a measure that would strip out the crime of bestiality from Louisiana's outdated and unconstitutional sodomy law and make the act illegal as a separate law.

But the inclusion of one line in the legislation -  “Anal sexual intercourse between two human beings shall not be deemed as a crime" - was too much for 10 Republican lawmakers.

So, they voted for bestiality in order to keep oral and anal sex (known as "crimes against nature") illegal.

As New Orleans state Sen. JP Morrell, who sponsored the bill, said at the time, "God forbid you vote against this bill, good luck explaining it."

Since the sodomy portion of current law has been deemed unconstitutional and therefore unenforceable, Morrell's bill would strip out the bestiality aspect to make the crime of sex with an animal illegal and allow authorities to prosecute the crime.

The bill passed by a vote of 25-10.


The measure now heads to the state House.

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