Friday, April 13, 2018

DOJ Inspector General's Report: McCabe Repeatedly Misled Investigators

Donald Trump

According to The New York Times, the report by the Justice Department inspector general concludes that former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe repeatedly misled investigators.

The inspector general said that when investigators asked whether he had instructed aides to provide information in October 2016 to a reporter with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. McCabe said he did not authorize the disclosure and did not know who did.

But Mr. McCabe did approve the F.B.I.’s contact with the reporter, according to the review.

The newspaper article delved into a dispute between F.B.I. and Justice Department officials over how to proceed in an investigation into the financial dealings of the Clinton family’s foundation. It revealed a sensitive meeting during which Justice Department officials declined to authorize subpoenas or grand jury activity.

The inspector general also concluded that Mr. McCabe’s disclosure of the existence of the ongoing investigation in the manner described in the report violated media policy of the F.B.I. and Justice Department and constituted misconduct.

In a statement, Mr. McCabe said that he had full authorization to share this information with the media. Mr. McCabe also said that he did not intentionally mislead investigators.

Even though McCabe stepped down from his position in January, he was officially fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions less than two days before becoming eligible for his full federal pension after spending more than 20 years in government service.

Donald Trump's thumbs couldn't wait to take to Twitter writing in perfectly calm, reverent tones, "He LIED! LIED! LIED!"

Seriously, folks - this reads more like a meltdown than a presidential message.

The rest of the world had a few thoughts as well:

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