Thursday, March 15, 2018

News Round-Up: March 15, 2018

The Kings of Disco (not the Village People?)

Some news items you might have missed:

• Who's the 'real' Village People these days? It's pretty complicated, actually.

• Fort Lauderdale proves itself to be one of the most LGBT-friendly cities in America with the election of openly gay Dean Trantalis as mayor. The Democrat easily defeated his Republican opponent Bruce Roberts by winning 64% of the vote.

• When word broke that the Department of Housing and Urban Development ordered a $31,000 dining table for HUD Secretary Ben Carson's offices, we got quick denials that Carson knew nothing about the purchase. Recently released emails show, however, that Carson not only knew but picked out the new luxe new furniture with his wife.

• Donald Trump's new pick for Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has a terrible record on LGBTQ equality. From opposing marriage equality to fighting open military service by LGBTS, he's been bad news for the community.

• Megan Rapinoe, the Olympic and World Cup champion soccer player who came out publicly several years ago, has signed a sponsorship deal with Bodyarmor sports drink.

• Ryan Worley of the Chippendales gives you an up-close peek at his totally awesome abs minutes after his Chipps calendar shoot. #Dang

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