Some news items you might have missed:
• InstaHunk Bernardo Belmar (above) reminds us why winter living is luscious on the left coast.
• Speaking of the left coast, California lawmakers have proposed legislation that would declare so-called "conversion therapy" an "unlawful practice" and fraud.
• In March of 2017, WikiLeaks tweeted it never had direct contact with long-time Trump friend/adviser Roger Stone. The Atlantic has obtained private Twitter messages between the two showing the denial was a lie.
• Donald Trump son-in-law and presidential adviser Jared Kushner has had his security clearance downgraded.
• "Goddess of pop" and awesome gay ally Kylie Minogue will headline New York City Pride.
• Trans actress Laverne Cox dropped her first single “Beat for the Gods” this week, and the music video gives glory to voguing, drag and club dance with some Fosse references thrown in for good measure.