Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Dicks Sporting Goods Announces No More Gun Sales After Florida School Massacre

Dick’s Sporting Goods is not only ending the sale of all assault-style firearms in its stores, they will no longer sell guns to anyone under 21 years old.

Via USA Today:

Assault-style weapon sales ended at Dick's-branded stores after the Newtown, Conn. school shooting in 2012. But the company was still selling them at its 35 Field & Stream locations, which specialize in hunting and outdoors products.

More: Here's what Dick's Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack wrote about his company's actions

"As we looked at what happened down in Parkland, we were so disturbed and saddened by what happened, we felt we really needed to do something," Stack told GMA's George Stephanopoulos.

Stack acknowledged that the Parkland school shooter had purchased a shotgun at one of the company's stores in November. Though the killer did not use the gun in the shooting, the realization served as a catalyst for action.

"We did everything by the book, we did everything that the law required and still he was able to buy a gun," Stack said. "When we looked at that, we said, ‘The systems that are in place across the board just aren’t effective enough to keep us from selling someone a gun like that.’"

To be honest, this comes as no surprise. I've loved Dicks my whole life ;)

And yes, you can bet I'm heading to the nearest store and buying something today.