Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Hypothetical Match-Up: Oprah 48% Trump 38%

Oprah Winfrey
With all the conjecture about a hypothetical Oprah run for president, right-leaning poll organization Rasmussen checked out folks' thoughts.

Now, although there are 14% undecided, the survey shows Oprah would trump Trump 48%-38%.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters would opt for Winfrey, while 38% would choose Trump. But a sizable 14% are undecided.

Winfrey has the support of 76% of Democrats, 22% of Republicans and 44% of voters not affiliated with either major political party. The president earns 66% of the vote from Republicans, 12% of Democrats and 38% of unaffiliateds.

Before anyone goes into that "We don't want a celeb for prez, stop pushing this...," I'm only sharing for those interested. Ok?

Personally, I will give Trump this much: he changed the dynamics of who and what is possible in presidential politics.

What we know we need in the White House is someone who is smart, who knows their own limitations, has exceptional communication skills, can find the people to fill the jobs to make an organization a success, and someone who unites the country in an uplifting, aspirational way.

As a "born in poverty, self-made billionaire," Oprah has more substantial bona fides than Trump ever did. And, she was never given a "starter loan" of $1 million from her father to start out in business.

She also never inherited millions and millions from her father the way Trump did.

Oprah also has an incredible ability to listen, take in information and then react.

I don't even have to compare Trump's enormous deficit on that count.

For Democrats, an uber-successful black woman who's name recognition, intelligence and communication skills are equal to none, I think she's worth exploring as an option for 2020.



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