Some news items you might have missed:
• InstaHunk of the Day: Sean Andrew Sanders
• A Navy pilot drew a big penis in the sky and everyone is talking about it.
• If you ever get down about a mistake or misstep you've made lately, remind yourself that at least you're not this guy:
• Congrats to Allison Ikley-Freeman, an openly lesbian married woman who was just elected to Oklahoma state senate in a district that Donald Trump won in last year's presidential election.
• Remember this Australian couple who said they would divorce if marriage equality came to Australia? No word yet on whether they intend on following through on that...
• “I love my body/I love my skin/I am a goddess/I am a queen,” sings Jessie J on her latest single, "Queen." The self-empowerment-themed mid-tempo is from her upcoming album R.O.S.E. (Realizations, Obsessions, Sex and Empowerment). Listen below.