Thursday, October 19, 2017

Trump Judicial Nominee Admits He Discriminates Against Gays: "Does That Mean I Can't Be A Judge?"

Jeff Mateer

VICE News has compiled remarks from two speeches given by Jeff Mateer, Donald Trump's nominee to become a district judge in Texas.

Currently the first assistant attorney general in Texas, Mateer told the National Religious Liberties Conference in 2015 he openly discriminates against gay people:

“Guess what? I attend a conservative Baptist church. We discriminate, alright. On the basis of sexual orientation, we discriminate. Does that mean I can’t be a judge? In some states, I think that’s true, unfortunately.”

Vice News combined remarks from two speeches, each an hour long, into a single audio file, with beeps indicating editing.

Just a few of the thoughts Mateer shared with his audience:

• diversity training is “brainwashing” and “reprogramming”

• the “separation of church and state” is nowhere in the Constitution

• gay marriage is unconstitutional

• LGBTQ-friendly workplaces force Christians to approve of their policies

• gay marriage is a “challenge” for Christians.

This guy is nominated to be a federal judge. Think on that.

Saying his comments disqualify him, 36 LGBTQ advocacy organizations sent a letter to the Senate on Tuesday demanding that its members vote down Mateer’s nomination.

Listen to the compilation below.