Friday, October 20, 2017

Alabama Senate Candidate Roy Moore Hid $498K In Back Pay From IRS

Roy Moore
Every time. Every single time.

The holier-than-thou, righteous, better-than-you religious conservative politician who regularly climbs up on his pristine soapbox ends up being the one who lies and scams the system.

Check out this report from the Washington Post on Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Alabama, Roy Moore.

It seems Moore somehow "forgot" to report almost half a million dollars from a charity he worked for.

The Washington Post reports:

The Alabama charity once led by Senate candidate Roy Moore did not report to the Internal Revenue Service that in 2011 it guaranteed him $498,000 in back pay, according to an income report provided to The Washington Post by the charity itself.

Five tax law and accounting specialists said it appears the guaranteed payment should have been reported as compensation, a disclosure that would have triggered a federal tax bill of more than $100,000. Moore and his campaign have not responded to questions about whether he paid the taxes, or to requests that he release his income tax returns.

Moore served as president of the charity from 2007 to 2012, working 20 hours a week, tax filings show. The charity agreed to pay him a $180,000 annual salary in a deal that was not publicly disclosed until a news account by The Post last week. The group also said if it could not afford his full salary in a given year, it would make up for the shortfall when it was able to do so, documents show.

In 2011, the charity gave Moore promissory notes worth $498,000 for unpaid salary in previous years, backing them up with a second mortgage on the group’s historic building in Montgomery, Ala. The note entitles Moore to demand payment at any time or claim an equal stake in the building, which serves as the group’s headquarters.

In deep red Alabama, Moore should be in a double-digit lead over his Democratic opponent Doug Jones. But the most recent Fox News polls shows the race in a dead heat.

Moore will win the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions though. Swampers like him always do these days.