Sunday, July 30, 2017

Trump Threatens GOP-Controlled Congress Over Health Care Reform

Donald Trump has spent the weekend on Twitter (for a change) attacking the lawmakers in his own party for not passing health care reform.

A few days ago, he advocated "letting Obamacare implode."

But now, he's back to berating the GOP-controlled Congress saying they should "demand" another vote.

I'm guessing Trump doesn't understand that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doesn't have to "demand" anything. He can call a vote anytime he wants. Like he did this week. When his bill failed to pass.

Among his current threats, Trump is promising to end "BAILOUTS for insurance companies and BAILOUTS  for Members of Congress."

Remember when Trump was "the only one who can fix" these issues?

He also attacked China for not solving the world's problems with North Korean aggression.

Trump is just yelling at people. When is he going to "lead?"