Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Out Music: Eli Lieb & Steve Grand "Look Away"

New music video from out musicians Eli Lieb and Steve Grand - "Look Away."

Said Steve Grand of the collaboration:

“Eli is a real pro. It was a true pleasure working with someone who knows what they want creatively. Eli kept the process streamlined.Though we are in a similar line of work, our personalities are very different, which I think we really got to see throughout the day we shot the video. I’m an irreverent goofball and Eli is a more serious guy just really focused on his craft. I think it makes for an interesting collaboration.”

It's interesting that Grand notes their different approaches. I was struck throughout the video by Lieb's connection to the camera, eyes and heart open to the viewer. Grand, on the other hand, largely avoids directly looking into the camera, choosing to look away or down. The differences lead the viewer to a much for connected experience with Lieb.

The emotional break-up song is sparse on production which feels appropriate, but the powerful lyrics and Lieb's devastatingly open relationship with the viewer makes for a winning combination.

It was only after I had watched the video that I found this statement from Lieb which underlines the connectedness of his performance:

“We filmed this the day after my boyfriend and I broke up, and the footage is so real and raw, that I struggled if I even felt comfortable putting it out. I wasn’t sure I wanted everyone to see the pain I was in. But then I realized that this pain came from love and is a part of life most people experience at some point – we’ve all been there. I hope it helps remind people that pain and love are so closely related to not forget how powerful love is.”

I've previously written about Eli Lieb here, here, here, here, and here.