Monday, March 28, 2016

News Round-Up: March 28, 2016

Some news stories you may have missed:

• Don't be sad Ben Affleck, with a $170 million opening weekendBatman v. Superman won't become the next Gigli.

• The Atlanta man who threw boiling water on two sleeping gay men has been indicted and could face 80 years in prison.

• Speaking of Georgia, after the state's governor announced he will be vetoing the anti-LGBT bill House Bill 757, state Republicans are already calling for an override vote of Gov. Deal's veto. We saw that coming, didn't we?

• Gwen Stefani, who's new album just debuted at #1 on the Billboard Top 200, says she would "be blessed" to have a gay son.

• New York City Mayor De Blasio has instituted a "non-essential" ban on city employee travel to North Carolina due to the anti-LGBT H.B. 2 recently passed. Seattle Mayor Ed Murray has done the same.  Good going, North Carolina!