Friday, September 25, 2015

News Round-Up: September 25, 2015

Out bobsledder Simon Dunn

Some news stories you may have missed:

• Out bobsledder hunk Simon Dunn pens an essay about the time the 6'1' 216 pound athlete was gay-bashed to the point of being hospitalized. Bu you know the saying - the best revenge is good living :)

• In the wake of Gov. Scott Walker dropping out of the GOP race for prez, guess who picked up the lion's share of his support (not that there was a whole lot to begin with)?

• A young gay man, blamed by his mother for "spreading gayness" to his younger brother, steps up to adopt his bro rather than see him live in a home of hate.

• Conservative pundit Steve Deace calls Sen. Lindsey Graham "transgendered."

• Did you hear the one where Donald Trump criticized Sen. Marco Rubio and got booed for it? It was a new experience for The Donald.