Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fox News: We Canceled Trump Before He Boycotted Us

After Donald Trump announced via Twitter that he would not be appearing on the Fox News network because they were being very "unfair" with him, Fox News issued their own statement saying they canceled his appearance on tonight's The O'Reilly Factor before he tweeted his boycott:

“At 11:45am today, we canceled Donald Trump’s scheduled appearance on The O’Reilly Factor on Thursday, which resulted in Mr. Trump’s subsequent tweet about his ‘boycott’ of FOX News. The press predictably jumped to cover his tweet, creating yet another distraction from any real issues that Mr. Trump might be questioned about. When coverage doesn’t go his way, he engages in personal attacks on our anchors and hosts, which has grown stale and tiresome. He doesn’t seem to grasp that candidates telling journalists what to ask is not how the media works in this country.”

File this under "Infighting is fun."