Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Texas: 5th Circuit Court Of Appeals Rules Against Voter ID Law

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled Texas' Voter ID law violates the Voting Rights Act.

From the Dallas Morning News:

In an unanimous decision, a three-judge panel ruled that the controversial and Republican-backed measure violated Section 2 of the landmark civil rights law.

The law has been part of a complicated legal battle for years. But the victory was narrow win for opponents of the law.

The judges also rejected a previous judge’s ruling that the law was passed with the intent to discriminate. The Fifth Circuit sent that portion of the lawsuit back to a U.S. district court.

The court wrote that, if the lower court finds in its review of the case that the voter ID Law only violates Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, it should find a solution that can still reduce the risk of in-person voter fraud and satisfy the legislative intent of the voter ID law.

Expect the proponents to request full court review or head straight to the U.S. Supreme Court.

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