Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Missouri County Commissioners Approve (And Now Will Rescind) Proposal Lowering Flags Over Same-Sex Marriage

In response to the historic ruling by SCOTUS in favor of same-sex marriage, the three member panel of commissioners in Dent County, Missouri, voted to lower U.S. and state flags at the county court house on the 26th of every month for the next year as a sign of "mourning."

Authored by Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles, the proposal was unanimously approved by the panel, all three Republicans.

From Buzzfeed:
“I just want anybody who sees that to be reminded we find it revolting that the Supreme Court has ruled in this manner,” Dent County Commissioner Darrell Skiles, who sponsored the proposal, told BuzzFeed News on Monday. “I had this feeling like when someone near and dear has passed away — not the same, but similar."

Under the proposal, the flags are to be lowered on the 26th of each month through June 2016 — marking the date of the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling, which the bill describes as one of “the saddest days in our history.”

But by the next morning, several media outlets had reported on the commission’s order and an online petition asking officials to reverse the decision had gathered more than 1,000 signatures.

On Tuesday, Skiles told the Salem News that the commission would hold a special session this week to rescind the order “out of respect for veterans and those currently serving in the military.”

“This political showcase is hurtful personally to several residents of Dent County and the surrounding area, which seems counter-intuitive to Jesus Christ’s message of ‘love thy neighbor’ for those of the Christian faith, of which most, if not all, of the commissioners prescribe,” the petition said.

Asked if displaying such a symbol in the same place that same-sex couples must obtain their marriage licenses sent a message, Skiles told BuzzFeed News: “That’s for every couple to decide.”

Members of the military opposed the commission’s proposal because it violates flag protocol.

According to the U.S. Flag Code, American flags can only be lowered to half-staff to honor veterans or fallen soldiers, to memorialize government leaders, to observe designated holidays or when ordered by the governor or the president.