Monday, July 27, 2015

Bryan Fischer: Obama Was "Rude" To Bring Up LGBT Rights In Kenya

Bryan Fischer, of the anti-gay American Family Association, says President Obama was "rude" to stand up for LGBT rights during his visit to Kenya over the weekend.

Via Right Wing Watch:
"These political leaders know what homosexual behavior does," he said, and they "want something better for the African people than what homosexual conduct give them."

These leaders do not need someone like Obama lecturing them, Fischer continued, because they "are more enlightened" than the United State on this issue.

"We are smart enough, we are bright enough, we are intelligent enough, we are sane enough to make this kind of behavior contrary to public policy," Fischer said, as he approvingly laid out what he believe the correct African position on this issue to be. "We're not going to embrace it, we're not going to promote it, we're not even going to make it legal."

Nevertheless, President Obama went to Kenya and criticized laws criminalizing homosexuality which, Fischer said, "in my mind just makes him rude."

Interestingly, Fischer says that most African nations outlaw homosexuality, in part, because the continent has been ravaged by AIDS.

What Fischer leaves out is that the vast majority of HIV/AIDS patients in Africa are heterosexual.