Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock Celebrates Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock (D) shares his support for today's court ruling which struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage.

Via press release:

"Today’s decision ensures we are closer to fulfilling our promise of freedom, dignity, and equality for all Montanans.

"It is a day to celebrate our progress, while recognizing the qualities that bind us as Montanans: a desire to make a good life for ourselves and our families, while providing greater opportunities to the next generation.

"I have instructed my administration to quickly take all appropriate steps to ensure that we are recognizing and affording the same rights and responsibilities to legally married same-sex couples that all married Montanans have long enjoyed."

However, Montana's Attorney General Tim Fox does not share his governor's enthusiasm. Not a supporter of marriage equality, he compared same-sex marriage to incest and polygamy in a brief filed with this case. The Republican has already said he plans to appeal:

“It is the attorney general’s sworn duty to uphold and defend Montana’s constitution until such time as there is no further review or no appeal can be made in a court of law,” Fox said. “Fulfilling that duty, the state of Montana will appeal this ruling in light of the fact that there are conflicting federal court decisions and no final word from the U.S. Supreme Court.”

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