Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Anti-Gay 'National Organization For Marriage' Sees Donations Drop Over 50%

Brian Brown of NOM

Brian Brown over at the ironically named National Organization for Marriage might need to worry about feeding his kids soon if NOM's funding continues to dry up as it has in the past year.

According to analysis of the organization’s 2013 tax filings done by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), NOM raised $5.1 million in 2013, dropping by over 50% since 2012. Just 2 donors accounted for more than half of the organization’s funding – further evidence that everyday Americans have little interest in furthering NOM’s extremist agenda. In addition, the NOM Education Fund also dropped by nearly $3.5 million in funding -- a drop of almost 70% since the previous year. NOM ended the year more than $2.5 million in debt.

“NOM should start figuring out that people aren’t willing to give their hard-earned money to an extremist agenda that's going nowhere,” said Fred Sainz, HRC Vice President of Communications. “If I were Brian Brown, I’d be worried that my two or three mega-donors are soon going to come to terms with the fact that they’d largely be better off flushing money down the toilet. Americans certainly aren’t buying what NOM is selling, and it’s only a matter of time before the trickle of money keeping the lights on at NOM HQ dries up.”

It's important to note from that quote - "Just 2 donors accounted for more than half of the organization’s funding." Which means that most Americans are not part of NOM's hate campaign.

And there's more bad news for NOM:

• The Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices voted unanimously to impose record civil penalties against NOM totaling $50,250 due to non-disclosure violations

• "Strong Opposition" to marriage equality has dropped to a low of 28%

There's more info about NOM's activities over at the Human Rights Campaign.