Earlier this week, one of the biggest celebrity stories had to do with actor Orlando Bloom taking a swing at singer and constant punk Justin Bieber.
There's basis for friction between the two as apparently Bieber flirted with Bloom's wife Miranda Kerr back in 2012, leading to their divorce.
Then, Bloom is rumored to have spent time with Bieber's ex-girl friend Selena Gomez.
Two days ago in Ibiza, things escalated at a local hot spot making Bloom an international hero to those folks who have lost patience for the childish antics of Bieber:
“Justin was at one table, and Orlando was at another,” a source told us. “But when Bieber and his party were later walking past Bloom’s table, Orlando refused to shake Bieber’s hand.” Then, “Bieber said something rude to Orlando, like, ‘She was good.'”
And that's when a fist went swinging at the Biebs.
Now, a petition has been organized calling for honoring Bloom with his own national holiday for his heroic stance against the pop-tart:
On a fateful evening this July 29, 2014 actor Orlando Bloom fed the Pop Music miscreant Justin Bieber a knuckle-sandwich on behalf of the entire civilized world.
This is something you, as the leader of the free world, must reward with an executive order declaring July 29 as a national holidayhonoring Orlando Bloom.
We compel you to do right by every civilized and cultured human being walking this earth by exercising your power for this most just of causes.
You may familiarize yourself with the story by reading this:
Clearly there won't be a holiday named for taking a swipe at an asshole like Bieber.
But it's fun to think so...