Thursday, May 1, 2014

Senate Republicans vote down raising minimum wage to keep up with inflation

Yesterday, Senate Republicans, by a vote of 54-42 (60 votes needed to avoid filibuster)  killed a bill that would have raised the minimum wage over two and a half years to $10.10.

Every Senate Republican except Bob Corker of Tennessee voted against the bill. Every Democrat (except Harry Reid in a procedural tactic allowing him to bring the bill back for another vote at a later time) voted for the bill.

The minimum wage has not kept up with inflation over the years. In 1968, the minimum wage was $1.60 - adjusted for inflation that would be $10.79 in today's dollars.

Today's federally mandated minimum wage is $7.25.  An employee who works 40 hours every week makes about $15,080 a year before taxes.  If you happen to be a single parent with one child, you are living under the poverty level

We constantly hear how CEO's pay and bonuses are skyrocketing and corporations profits are hitting record highs. Why can't those helping to create those profits share just a bit in the success? Why only CEOs and high up execs?

An individual working full-time at minimum wage lives under the poverty level in America.  Working FULL-TIME to be in poverty.

By the way - according to a recent Pew Poll, 73 percent of Americans support an increase to the minimum wage.

A recent Gallop poll put the support for an increase at 76 percent.

Word is the Democrats plan on bringing the legislation back for another vote closer to fall elections to remind the American people where the two political parties stand on the issue.

I say "good."  

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