Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Maine: National Organization for Marriage fined $50K for illegal anti-gay donations

The state of Maine has fined the virulently anti-gay National Organization for Marriage more than $50,000 for violating the state’s campaign finance laws.

More from LGBTQ Nation:

The Maine Ethics Commission on Wednesday also ordered the National Organization for Marriage to file a campaign finance report that would reveal the donors who supported the 2009 referendum that struck down the state’s gay marriage law.

A lawyer for NOM said that it would file an appeal in state court.

NOM gave nearly $2 million to the political action committee Stand for Marriage Maine, which represented 64 percent of the PAC’s funds. Groups must register as ballot question committees if they raise or spend more than $5,000 to influence a state ballot question.

NOM argues that since the money wasn't specifically raised for the Maine fight the organization did not have to register or file reports.

Interesting how NOM tells Maine what Maine law is...