Tuesday, March 25, 2014

World Vision changes policy, allows same-sex married Christians

World Vision announced yesterday a major change in their hiring practices. The humanitarian group says it will now allow same-sex married couples to work for the organization:

The Federal Way-based Christian relief agency World Vision said Monday it will hire Christians who are in same-sex marriages, a dramatic policy change on one of the most divisive social issues facing religious groups.

Richard Stearns, president of the international humanitarian-relief group, announced the hiring change for the United States in a letter to staff. Stearns said the World Vision board had prayed for years about how to handle the issue as Christian denominations took different stands on recognizing same-sex relationships. “I want to reassure you that we are not sliding down some slippery slope of compromise, nor are we diminishing the authority of Scripture in our work,” Stearns wrote. “We are the same World Vision you have always believed in.”

Started by evangelicals, World Vision now has an international operating budget of nearly $1 billion and conducts economic-development and emergency-relief projects around the world.

Immediately, the powers that be in the world of gay hate rose up in protest.  Apparently, it's better for children to starve than support an organization that allows Christian gays to take part.

The American Family Association called for a boycott via press release:

This decision by World Vision to equate homosexual "marriage" to natural marriage between a man and a woman is in direct conflict with the Holy Scriptures. The first chapter of Romans is very clear.

World Vision has abandoned the warning of Paul and compromised the integrity of a ministry financially supported by Christians who regard Scripture as the final authority on the issue.

Christians who support World Vision should stop as should all of the artists and authors who raise money for them. There are many other organizations that sponsor children around the world who remain true to the gospel.

From Matt Barber writing for OneNewsNow:

"When faced with a choice to either go with the path of least resistance and embrace the lie of the world and the lie of the father of lies – versus embracing the truth of Christ and the truth of scripture and standing firm on the Word of Life, World Vision has chosen to take the path of least resistance.

"Just because you say you’re not an official wing of the church or that you’re a para-Christian organization does not release you from the command to adhere to biblical truth and biblical reality as it pertains to sexual morality. So that is a cop-out – and anyone with a clear understanding of scripture can recognize it as such.

"This very dramatic, counter-biblical, apostate move by World Vision shows where they stand. They have destroyed their credibility as a Christian organization with one fell swoop – and it’s heart-wrenching."

(h/t JMG)

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