Thursday, September 12, 2013

Really bad 9/11 Remembrance idea

"In remembrance of those we lost on 9/11 the hotel will provide complimentary coffee and mini muffins from 8:45am - 9:15am"

Over 5,000 retweets in a day.

Just some of the comments:

• "My husband died in the WTC and all I got were these lousy muffins."
• "It's 9/11, we should do something, but what?" "Half an hour of mini-muffins in an awkward time slot?" "Brilliant."
• "We eat mini muffins for those who cannot."
• "Not even full-sized muffins???"

In the hotel chain's defense, they did release this statement:
"We are aware of the picture that was tweeted. It shows an offer that was made independently by the hotel and not the Marriott Hotels brand. As far as we know, it was limited to one property. While the hotel was making a sympathetic gesture to its guests in remembrance of 9/11, we apologize and understand why some people may have misunderstood the intent of the offer. We are reminding our hotels to use discretion and be sensitive when remembering major events such as 9/11."
