Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dan Savage on The NALT Christians Project

NALT stands for "Not All Like That."

The purpose of the NALT Christians Project is to give LGBT-affirming Christians a means of proclaiming to the world — and especially to young gay people — their belief and conviction that there is nothing anti-biblical or at all inherently sinful about being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

Via press release:

On Wednesday, Sept. 4, Christians everywhere will begin to rise up and proclaim their unconditional love and support for their gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family members.

This new movement, inspired by Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” project, encourages LGBT-affirming Christians to upload videos that unapologetically express their full acceptance of LGBT people.

The NALT Christians Project, created by Christian author John Shore and Truth Wins Out, will be an online platform that directly challenges the idea that anti-gay Christians represent all or even most of the Christian faithful. The first two videos on the website are from author and advocate Dan Savage, and NALT co-founder John Shore and his wife Catherine. 

Dan Savage discusses the launch of The NALT Christians Project:

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