Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Canadian HIV vaccine sees first phase trial success

The first phase trial results of a new HIV vaccine being developed at Western University show strong promise:

The first phase of trials wrapped up last month, with researchers optimistic about the vaccine's future.

“We infect the cells with a genetically modified HIV-1,” team leader Dr. Chil-Yong Kang told Ontario Business Report. “The infected cells produce lots of virus, which we collect, purify and inactivate so that the vaccine won’t cause AIDS in recipients, but will trigger immune responses.”

Sumagen, the South Korean biotech firm sponsoring the vaccine, cited manufacturing, as well as USFDA requirements as hurdles in bringing the vaccine to market, but, if all goes well in trials, it could be commercially available in five years.

“We are now prepared to take the next steps towards Phase II and Phase III clinical trials," CEO Jung-Gee Cho said in a press release.


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