Tuesday, July 23, 2013

THE VIEW takes on Ken Cuccinelli and his war on oral sex

The ladies of the THE VIEW were outraged - and rightfully so - over GOP Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli's plan to bring back anti-sodomy laws to his state.

The "crimes against nature" law in Virginia would outlaw any oral or anal sex between two consenting adults, whether heterosexual or gay.

Barbra Walters notes that Cuccinelli seems to equate oral sex with homosexuality which cues Sherri Shepard to admit this makes her “gay as a two dollar bill.”

And Whoopi points out the irony that conservatives always want LESS government in their lives, and yet here's a self-proclaimed conservative wanting to regulate what happens in citizens bedrooms. Contradiction, contradiction, contradiction...

It's a fun exchange. Were Elizabeth Hasselbeck still on the panel, it's easy to picture her stiff and silent. Thank goodness that's over. Much more fun now :)