Friday, July 19, 2013

The puppies are 10 today - happy birthday puppies!

Back in the day - (left to right) Bandit, Bear and Tyler

Ten years ago today, our mama dog Sabrina and daddy dog Bruno brought "the puppies" (the only way we've ever referred to them) into our lives. Michael and I love these kids with all our heart.

Their personalities are so different and specific and funny and dear. I couldn't love them more.

To share a little: Tyler (first born) is the only girl and a little 'challenged.' So, often, she'll want you to pick her up then stare at you because she'll forget what she wanted.

Bandit (second born) was the smallest as a puppy, and then his appetite developed.  He's always first to eat his food and always wants more.  He can't get enough attention, and if you pet him with one hand he wonders what you're doing with the hand that isn't busy since you COULD be petting him with both.

And Bear is the baby, and still acts like it.  He's the shyest of the three but every now and then shows some courage.  He generally likes to be alone more than the others.  He's "the prince of April Wind" (our street).

Happy, happy birthday Tyler, Bandit and Bear!

Bear, Tyler and Bandit

Bandit next to the food (for a change) while Tyler and Bear hang out

Sabrina at feeding time while Bruno does the Daddy thing

All photos by John Genovese