Friday, April 12, 2013

Ryan Lochte pauses (and poses) for Cosmopolitan

In anticipation of his E! TV show - What Would Ryan Lochte Do? - Ryan took time for a quick interview and shirtless photo-shoot with Cosmopolitan:

Cosmo: What are we going to see you doing on your new show?

Ryan Lochte: My biggest passion is swimming, but it's a sport that doesn't really get talked about until the Olympics, unlike baseball, football, and bas ketball, which are on TV all the time. That's one of the reasons I wanted to do this show. I want people to enjoy the sport as much as I do. My whole family swims! You can pretty much say chlorine runs in our veins.

Cosmo: What about your family? We hear you're tight with them. Will they be on the show?

Ryan Lochte: Yeah, they're the most important thing to me. I was raised in a big family [Ryan, 28, is the third of five kids], and most of them live just two hours away from me in Florida. Plus, one of my brothers lives with me. We do everything together—golfing, playing video games, taking the dogs to the park. He's finishing up his last year of college, so I'm kinda like the dad in the house, keeping him in line, pushing him out of the house so he's not late to work.

Cosmo: Are you currently seeing anyone? Will we see you dating?

Ryan Lochte: I am a single guy right now, but you'll see me going on dates. I need someone who is able to hold her own—if a girl is really independent, that's a turn-on for me. And she doesn't have to play a sport for me to be interested in her! But if a girl smokes, that's a big turn-off.

Cosmo: Who do you talk to about your dating life?

Ryan Lochte: I know my family would never steer me wrong, so I go to them for advice. And if I go on more than a couple of dates with one girl, it could get to that point where she would meet the Lochtes.

Cosmo: A couple of dates?! That's fast!

Ryan Lochte: I mean, I gotta feel comfortable with her in order for that to happen! But I want a best friend and a lover at the same time. And I want her to make me laugh. I like someone who doesn't care what people think—who's not afraid of making a fool out of herself.

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