Monday, April 22, 2013

My prettiest girl, Tyler, isn't feeling well...


My prettiest little girl - my only girl - hasn't eaten in a few days, and is lethargic, so Michael took her to the vet. She has to stay over night for observation and fluids as she's dehydrated from some reason.

Tyler is wonderful and light and happy all the time. She's a bit 'challenged' but we've never cared about that - she's our "prettiest" and we love her completely. My concern is she's never been away from the family over night and she won't understand all this.

I'm probably being overly nervous. But I'm not good with one of our kids away from home.

And uncomfortable.

And maybe scared.

I'll be happier when she's home tomorrow.

Please think some good thoughts. I love her very much.

Michael with Tyler at the vet

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