Monday, April 22, 2013

Head of French Parliament sent threatening letter containing gun powder over marriage equality

BartoloneThe head of French parliament is being terrorized over the coming gay marriage vote on Tuesday, The Local reports:

Claude Bartolone, the Socialist president of France’s AssemblĂ©e Nationale (lower house of parliament) on Monday received a threatening letter containing gunpowder and demanding he defer a parliamentary vote, expected to definitively legalize gay marriage on Tuesday.

The one-page letter, signed by “an intermediary of law enforcement,” warns Bartolone that “our methods are more radical and more swift than protests”, according to French magazine L’Express.

The document concludes with the statement “You wanted war, and you’ve got it.”

Oh, Brian Brown (of NOM), you were saying something about "peaceful demonstrations" by the folks on YOUR side of the marriage equality issue?

(via Towleroad)

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