Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fox News unhappy abusive Rutgers coach Mike Rice fired

Fox News host Eric Bolling has the sadz that Rutgers University’s decided to fire men’s basketball coach Mike Rice, after video surfaced of Rice abusing players by shoving them, throwing basketballs at them, and harassing them with profane and homophobic language, including “fucking faggot.”

“We’re in the midst of political correctness crushing our ability to teach kinds, to discipline kids, to disagree with people or one another or kids,” Bolling complained. “Our culture is in decline, but this is an example of our culture in free fall and I’m saying this because he got fired, not because of what he did.”

"It's time to toughen up.  I could talk about the 'wussification of America, 'wussification of American men.  This is it."


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