Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Delaware: Marriage equality bill moves ahead

Delaware's House Administration Committee has passed its marriage equality bill, HB75, by a vote of 4-1. It now goes to the House floor.

Among those testifying was Richard Smith, president of the Delaware chapter of the NAACP. “We believe marriage equality is a civil right,” Smith told lawmakers. Jared and Jordan spoke on behalf of their 2-mom family. “No child should have to fight for their hardworking, dedicated parents to have the same rights as other parents,” Jordan said. Opponents said they oppose the measure because it would force religious groups to marry gay couples.

Gov. Markell has stated he intends to sign the bill if it reaches his desk.

State Democrats were clear that the bill does not force any religious organization to perform marriage ceremonies outside of their teachings.

(via JMG)

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