Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bill O'Reilly vs Laura Ingraham on "bible thumping"

Conservative Fox News host Bill O'Reilly made a comment last week while using the term “Bible thumper" while discussing two cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. On his show last night, Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham criticized O’Reilly for using the phrase.

“If you’re going to stand up for heterosexual marriage and exclude gay marriage, if you’re going to do that, you’ve got to do it outside the Bible,” O’Reilly explained. “You can’t cite the Bible because you will lose if you do.”

Ingraham told O’Reilly it was “disrespectful” to suggest Christians couldn’t cite the Bible, but was quickly interrupted by O'Reilly.

And on it went.

Fact of the matter is: O'Reilly is right. The conservative anti-gay marriage folks are not winning their argument because you can't make that argument based purely on "it's in the bible."

AND, another fact of the matter is, that's all they've got. Which is why the tide is turning on marriage equality.

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