Thursday, March 7, 2013

Kristin Chenoweth on gays and marriage equality

"I think it is very anti-Christian [to hate gay people]. It is the antithesis of what I believe. It is the antithesis of what you should believe if you believe in Jesus. It’s not what he taught, it’s the opposite of what he taught.

If Jesus was to walk the Earth today, or Buddha or anybody, they would be horrified. Those people saying they’re doing it in the name of God? No no no no no.

I speak as a Christian person, and as a woman and as an artist. I would love nothing more for my friends who love each other to get married.

I don’t think it’s a sin, I think we’re born how we’re born. Look at me, I’m 4’11’’, and so if it was a sin to be short, what would I do? Well I’d just be, you know, it’s how God made me." - LGBT ally and Tony Award winner Kristin Chenoweth, in an interview with Gay Star News