Monday, January 7, 2013

Michelangelo Signorile, of SiriusXM Radio, chases down bigot after being called "disgusting" on NYC street

Michelangelo Signorile chased down a bigot in Chelsea who called him "disgusting" after he kissed his partner:

"I've not come to this age in my life, to this stage of the game in the fight for LGBT rights, to have someone call me 'disgusting' in my own neighborhood. And it's time none of us let them get away with it. I'm not saying that I or anyone should stand up to everybody engaged in a homophobic act every time. Obviously you have to be wise and safe. But whether it's on the streets of Chelsea or in Columbus, Ohio, all of us, straight and gay, must speak up when we can. Stand up and fight back. Because if we don't, they win."

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