Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jodie Foster comes out at the Golden Globes

After receiving the Cecil B. DeMille Award for the many acclaimed films she has made over four decades, a clearly nervous Foster first toyed with the audience a little, dancing around the issue before affirming that, yes, she is a lesbian.

"I'm gonna put it out there, loud and proud, right?" she coyly said. "I'm gonna need your support on this. I am single... I already did my coming out about 1,000 years ago, back in the stone age."

Well aware that people have been waiting for this moment for years, Foster explained that her delay wasn't based in shame, but in the fact that she came of age when there was a larger premium on privacy.

She was not of the era when gay or lesbian stars held press conferences to discuss their private lives, she said. But, standing up on that stage, poised and proud, Foster finally publicly came out. And I couldn't be more happy for her!

Note just some of the responses via Twitter:

(via Towleroad)

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