Saturday, December 22, 2012

Chuck Hagel apologizes for anti-gay remarks with Sec. of Defense nomination looming

Back in 1998, then-Senator Chuck Hagel had some choice anti-gay words for James Hormel, who was nominated to be Ambassador to Luxembourg.

Here's a sample of Mr. Hagel's thoughts at the time: “Ambassadorial posts are sensitive.  They are representing America. They are representing our lifestyle, our values, our standards. And I think it is an inhibiting factor to be gay — openly, aggressively gay, like Mr. Hormel — to do an effective job.”

Now, years later, as Hagel looks to be the leading candidate for Secretary of Defense, Hagel is "cleaning up his history" a bit to look somewhat better. He has now - 14 years later - apologized for those remarks of 1998.

Here's his recent statement:
“My comments 14 years ago in 1998 were insensitive. They do not reflect my views or the totality of my public record, and I apologize to Ambassador Hormel and any LGBT Americans who may question my commitment to their civil rights. I am fully supportive of ‘open service’ and committed to LGBT military families.”
James Hormel, the man who would be apologized to, says he has not heard from Mr. Hagel.

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