Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Boise City Council unanimously passes LGBT non-discrimination protections

Boise, Idaho's City Council took a big step forward last night, passing an ordinance protecting LGBT people from discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodation before a packed house that rose to gave it a standing ovation when the vote was over.

Writes the Statesman:

Following unanimous passage of the ordinance, the standing-room-only crowd in the State Capitol’s west wing auditorium stood and cheered. Jordan and fellow councilwoman Lauren McLean, who spearheaded the effort to draft the ordinance, said it is something Boise has lacked and will help the city’s standing with companies considering whether to open new establishments here. Churches, private organizations such as The Boy Scouts of America and other governments operating in the city are exempt from the law, which takes effect Jan. 1.

Activists are now working towards a statewide bill.