Monday, October 22, 2012

Soledad O'Brien to Rudy Guiliani: "You gotta stop putting words in my mouth"

I've always been a fan of Soledad O'Brien. And I'm really loving her "no nonsense" approach to interviews these days. Ask a question - ask for the answer.

Soledad O'Brien and Mayor Rudy Giuliani had a very heated exchange over President Obama's response to Libya on Monday's "Starting Point."

O'Brien replayed a clip of Matthew Dowd, a former member of George W. Bush's administration, defending the White House against criticism that it doesn't have the answers about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. He said that it took far longer than two weeks to get to the truth about weapons of mass destruction. O'Brien asked Giuliani if Dowd had a point. "So we're gonna blame this on Bush too?" Giuliani said.

 "You gotta stop putting words in my mouth, sir," O'Brien interjected. After some back-and-forth, she continued, "Every time I ask you a question, you like to push back as if somehow the question being posed to you is unfair. It's not. I'm a journalist, you said some things. I'm trying to get some accurate responses from you. You are welcome to answer."

Soledad O'Brien for the win!

(via HuffingtonPost)

1 comment:

  1. I would like to ask soleadad one question and that would be are you a racist if you say no I would say you are lying you can see it in her eyes you can hear it in her voice you can hear it in the questions she ask


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