Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mitt Romney still supports a federal amendment to ban marriage equality

"Governor Romney supports a federal marriage amendment to the Constitution that defines marriage as an institution between a man and a woman. Governor Romney also believes, consistent with the 10th Amendment, that it should be left to states to decide whether to grant same-sex couples certain benefits, such as hospital visitation rights and the ability to adopt children. I referred to the Tenth Amendment only when speaking about these kinds of benefits, not marriage."

The above statement comes from Romney campaign adviser Bay Buchanan, clarifying to Buzzfeed that he still opposes all federal rights for LGBT Americans. Earlier this week a remark by Buchanan left the impression with some that Romney no longer supports a federal ban on same-sex marriage. 

For the record, I find the statement detestable. The quote "it should be left to states to decide whether or not to GRANT same-sex couples certain benefits, such as hospital visitation rights and the ability to adopt children...."




Thank you Mitt Romney.  You are so giving and kind.

America - is this choice really hard???

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