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Del Shores, author/actor/humorist, joined us on The Candi & Randy Show to talk about his current 40 city tour of his new one-man show "Del Shores: Naked. Sordid. Reality."
As a playwright, Del cultivated his talents with award-winning runs of Daddy's Dyin'...Who's Got the Will?, Cheatin', Sordid Lives, Southern Baptist Sissies, The Trials and Tribulations of a Trailer Trash Housewife and Yellow.
On television, Del has written for several successful shows ranging from Dharma & Greg to Queer as Folk and of course the hugely popular Sordid Lives: The Series.
His new film, Blues For Willadean, stars Oscar winner Octavia Spencer (The Help), Beth Grant (The Artist) and Dale Dickey (True Blood).
Del discusses his one-man show where he delves into not only his southern upbringing, but topical issues like his current email relationships with Kirk Cameron and Newt Gingrich. Plus he shares the backstory on how Sordid Lives: The Series met it's early, and undeserved, end.
For more about Del, visit his website:
And find him on Facebook at:
Is Olivia going to be in the movie?