Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry

A new campaign plans to tap into and build upon the growing support for marriage equality expressed by young conservatives in the United States.

Freedom To Marry, the national advocacy group, launched the initiative, Young Conservatives for the Freedom To Marry, on Tuesday. The campaign intends to show the bipartisan nature of marriage equality by providing a platform for conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians under the age of 44 who believe the issue “fulfills basic conservative values of responsibility and community, as well as limited government and individual freedom,” according to a news release.

Recent polls show that support for marriage equality has grown across every demographic, including conservative voters, and in particular among young people. A poll from ABC News/Washington Post in May found that while 61% of Republicans thought that same-sex marriage should be illegal, 46% of Republicans between the ages of 18 and 44 supported marriage equality.

“Freedom and family are core conservative values,” said conservative commentator Margaret Hoover, a leadership committee member, in the group’s news release. “We have a historic opportunity to reaffirm these important values by supporting the fundamental freedom to marry for all Americans.  Now is the time for a rising generation of voters and leaders to embrace these virtues and join Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry.”

Read more at the Advocate

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