Sunday, June 10, 2012

Paramount's 100th Anniversary in Vanity Fair Magazine

Cameron Diaz, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Downey, JR., Olivia Newton-John, John Travolta, Robert De Niro and Tom Cruise were among the movie superstars who gathered at Paramount Studios' fabled Lot 18 for an eye-popping 'class' photo to celebrate the film Mecca's 100th birthday.

Photographer Art Streiber shot the star-studded group snap for Vanity Fair.

The epic moment wasn't lost on Charlize Theron: "There are moments in your life where you find yourself in circumstances where you just have to pinch yourself. I got to rest my hand on Harrison Ford's shoulder, while Steven Spielberg was standing next to me - not too shabby."

In total 116 superstars and movie executives turned up for the once-in-a-lifetime shoot, photographed on the soundstage that housed the Star Trek TV and movie franchises.

Click on the pic to see a large view.