Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy 10th birthday Bruno!

Ten years ago today, one of my very best friends was born.

Bruno - "the Brun" - is ten years old today.  I never planned or thought about the place he holds in my heart until it happened.

I'd love to say meeting him was an "accident" except I don't believe in accidents.  It was meant to be.  We were meant to be friends.  Best friends.

Every day begins and ends with Bruno in my life.  Every morning he's the first to sit in my lap as I check email and start the blogging day.  He licks the inside of my coffee cup once I've emptied it.  He smiles at me and walks side by side as I walk through the house.

He, along with our dear departed mama dog Sabrina, gave us the "puppies" who also inhabit the Slovacek/Caprio household.  He's still and always the alpha dog.

He's so handsome, so smart and so in tune to my moods it really is like have a best friend nearby all day. 

His confidence, even having overcome TWO back surgeries, inspires me. He doesn't acknowledge adversity.  He walks past it.  Even when he was temporarily paralyzed due to back injury, you could see his confidence in himself and his connection to me.   We got through that - together.

When I went through my cancer journey, he sat with me - concerned.  He knew... "something."  He knew.

While I never planned this relationship, I'm so much better because of it.

Happy happy birthday Bruno.  You rock.

8 week old puppy Bruno

I can't believe Bruno let me do this... I don't do dog costumes, but for this one picture...

Morning time at The Randy Report - Bruno always gets "Bruno time" first thing....

Psychic Bruno knows there's "something" on the counter...

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