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Olivia Newton-John on The Candi & Randy Show!
Olivia has spent decades not only as a chart topping music icon and star of film (Grease, Xanadu) & TV (Sordid Lives, Glee) but as an international ambassador of good health & well-being.
After her own cancer journey 20 years ago, she emerged as a breast cancer activist who advocates the best in not only western medicine but alternative holistic therapies that help support the body, mind and spirit.
Olivia has written a best-selling cook book of health-conscious recipes - "LivWise: easy recipes for a healthy, happy life" - to help everyone reach their goals of health and well-being. All proceeds go to the Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Centre.
Plus, we talk with Olivia's co-owner/partner Gregg Cave about their award-winning spa and retreat GAIA, named for "mother earth" located in Australia, where centering your physical and mental health is the ultimate goal.