Friday, May 11, 2012

Ever wonder who opposes LGBT rights? Here you go...

This, folks, is exactly who opposes equal rights for all.

Take a listen to this woman, Jane Skrovota, at this week's hearings regarding a proposed LGBT non-discrimination ordinance in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Some of the reasons this woman objects to LGBT people receiving protection from employment and housing discrimination:

"P- E- N- I- S goes into the anus to rupture intestines. The more a man does this the more he'll be a fatality or a homicider..."

"A huge percent of gay men in school grounds molest boys, partly because they don't have AIDS yet..."

"Hillary Clinton's roommate four years in college was a gay woman. To avoid going gay like Clinton did, college students need single rooms and single gender dorms... A college woman is seduced with illegal Rohypnol to go gay."

"Candida fungus grows hugely on a corpse. AIDS is a candida fungus disease..."

"Roman senators went to Roman baths to be promiscuous gays, bis, and orgiers then went to the Coliseum to watch Christians get mauled and perish. Do gays become this sadistic? Yes. They cuss after coupling, don't like the land they lay on, and 80% of those that did treason by the year 2000 are gays."

"Gays can transform to be celibate to live to be 80 years old."

"Read the book Nijinsky to understand that bisexuals always become insane."

"A wedding dress is for a woman not a man."

"Jesus was kissed by Judas, a homo, who tried to sabotage Jesus' kind ideas. Do you choose Jesus, a celibate, or Judas, a homo? You have to choose!"

Love the reaction of the guy behind her.

There you have it folks: this is what stands between the LGBT community and equal rights.

More wine!


  1. Ms. Skrovota is one hot cup of crazy. That's all I got...

  2. We've had a fan page dedicated to her on Facebook for a while because everyone on the UNL campus loves to hear her rants. Come check it out


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