Friday, April 20, 2012

George Zimmerman bail set at $150K plus monitoring device, curfew

Trayvon Martin, left - George Zimmerman, right
Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester says Zimmerman cannot have any firearms, drink alcohol or use drugs and must observe a curfew. Zimmerman will also have to wear an electronic monitoring device. The judge says Zimmerman will not be released Friday.

The judge says there is a possibility Zimmerman will be allowed to go out of state because of worries about his safety, but details need to be worked out among the attorneys and law enforcement.

Zimmerman apologized to Martin's parents during the hearing, saying he didn't know the 17-year-old Martin was unarmed.

I find it interesting that he specifically makes the remark that he didn't know Trayvon was unarmed.  As if everyone in the world carries a gun?  Just comes across strange to me.

A new photo has been made public that apparently shows the back of Zimmerman's head just moments after the shooting. Zimmerman's head appears bloody and two cuts can be seen.

Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder. He claims self-defense.

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