Friday, March 9, 2012

Broadway All-Stars at the NBA All-Star Halftime 1998

My friend John just sent me this, which I had never seen.

This was the halftime show for the NBA All-Star game on February 8, 1998. Including performances from the casts of Chicago, Bring in da Noise/Bring in da Funk, Phantom of the Opera, Cats, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Jekyll & Hyde, Miss Saigon, Smokey Joe's Cafe, Les Miserables and Titanic.

Two thoughts here: first, terrific melting pot of the shows on Broadway at the time. Really great performances from so many talented folks. Love it.

But isn't it interesting that this was the NBA All-Star Game Halftime show? Just thinking about the audience in the stands... maybe not all huge Broadway fans?

Or maybe they were. It was Madison Square Garden, and NY-ers love Broadway.

In any case, what an huge undertaking and very well done.